Tuesday, February 24, 2009

MCH. bored like fckkkkk

Everything you name, starts with the first alphabet of your name ;)

1. What is your name : weihua

2. A four Letter Word : wank

3. A boy's Name : weihua

4. A girl's Name : weihua

5. An occupation : wiggling human puppet

6. A color : w-huait white

7. Something you'll wear : wallaby shirt

9. A food : wan tan!!

10. Something found in the bathroom: wax

11. A place : west msia

12. A reason for being late : waiting for shit to come out

13. Something you'd shout : WAHH!!

14. A movie title : where's my cheese, that stupid mouse ate it.

15. Something you drink : water

16. A musical group : we the kings

17. An animal : wallaby

18. A street name : waikiki st.

19. A type of car : who gives a shit. wondermobile.

20. The title of a song : we are rockstars - does it offend you, yeah?

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